Monday, February 12, 2007

Las Vegas trippin'

Hi There! I'm back from Las Vegas, the crazy city of gambling, cheap drunken marriage and prostitution. Sounds good, doesn't it?
Thanks to Sarah I was able to join her student chapter (ITE) educational trip to Vegas. Student chapters seems to be a bit like our student clubs in France (remember iWeek?) but with only students from the same study background and with the purpose to make contact easier between today's students and former ones, that have interesting positions in companies. Well that's what I understood, I may be wrong, maybe they usually play golf together. ITE, I don't know exactly what it stands for but it's a student chapter for Transportation Engineering folks, cool guys that I've been hanging around with for almost a week.
We departed from Bozeman last Wednesday (7th of February 2007) at about 6am with two vans containing about 10 persons each. We had a long car ride, as you can see on the maps underneath, we've been in Idaho, Utah, Arizona and finally Nevada.

Pretty long trip eh ? Yes it was about a 14 hours drive with the pit stops, the Burger Kings and other junk food, but it's so good when you're hungry enough!
There was snow about everywhere in the Rocky mountains until we reached the desert of Nevada and it's 20 degrees Celsius (Quite warm for the beginning of February!) . The mountains are truly beautiful, they reminded me a bit of the Alps, less High but still impressive.

We arrived in Las Vegas by night, from miles away we could see the light of the city, illuminating the sky with an orange glow and lasers piercing the clouds randomly like in a kind of epic SF battle. The first casinos started to appear with their flashy signs, golden windows and their skyscrapers hostels, temples built to sacrifice your money to the $Dollar God$. Soon we were absorbed in the city, it's busy groove, limousines, rich looking women warped in their fur coats, huge men in black guarding entrances and fat tony smocking his Havana premium cigar. Humm well, that wasn't that much cliché, but you could feel the Vegas spirit that we see in the movies. The what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, the feeling that you could step in some trouble if you're fooling too much, the money spent foolishly, the artificial oasis in the middle of the desert, all of that really makes a weird impression.

Stay connected to the blog, tomorrow the Vegas story continues !
Thanks for reading. We appreciate your business :)


Ruben said...

You don't tell anything about what you did in the city! I bet that you didn't just look. Where are thoses pictures of you (naked and drunk) under hundreds of bucks? Did you get married? Did you played poker? Did you kill a friend and then the Experts arrested you using your fingerprints and DNA ?
I want some picture!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I want some photos too (but don't want to see you naked and drunk, urgl! you can keep these to yourself, ok?). So, update soon!

Unknown said...

Yep yep I'll update soon, I just have to find some time to write !

See ya