Sunday, March 25, 2007

New look

Well, it isn't a big change, but I changed "Montana Clem"'s banner with a picture I took yesterday during a hike in the Sourdough mountains, here you can see Bozeman's city center on the right, the mountains far in the back are the Bridgers. Some of you guys may see the famous M !

The picture was taken with Sarah's camera that has a very nice Panoramic feature!
Thanks for reading "Montana Clem" and it's new look !!



Ruben said...

Very nice panorama :) So you make sport? uhuh...

Did you mean, Bozeman town center on the left?

By the way, how many inhabitants is there in Bozeman? It looks quite small.

Unknown said...

Thanks ! yep I do some sports, trying to keep in a good shape :D
Yes Bozeman is on the left, it's true it isn't really big, the city counts 30 thousand inhabitants. What's nice is that it's big enough so that their is almost everything you want for restaurant, shopping, groceries, cinema, artisans and whatever. And at the same time it's small so that you don't feel like a little crap like in Paris, there is no pollution and you have all the space you want to walk around without bumping into other persons. Very nice indeed.

Ruben said...

looks like you fallen in love with Bozeman :)

シリル said...

About feeling like crap... the size of the city doesn't really matters ;-)

Unknown said...

in fact it is surprising, the lowest the less nerdy you are, I think ;)